Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 8: Ek Sath Rang Manch (ESRM) under the series of “Theatre Monday” staged a Hindi play “Jaago Bandhu Jaago Bhaiya” at KP Sabha, Amphalla.
The Play revealed handicaps of a common man, nuisance of corruption, drug addiction and ignorance of our nationality.
This play was written and directed by the senior most theatre Director Vijay Malla, who also enacted a very important role in the play.
The actors who performed in the play were Nisha Suri, Nazuk, Kurat-ul-Ain, Shallu, Nisha Jotshi, Karishma, Ravi Dhar, Rahul Pandita, Hitanshu Jinsi, Mushtak Ali, Amit Pandita, Anuroop Pathania, Deepak Jamwal, Suraj Narayan, Ripu Daman Parihar, Sahil Sharma, Sona Sing and Rafeeq Khan.
While speaking, Vijay Malla assured theatre lovers that such kind of plays would be staged on every Monday mostly in the schools, institutes and among common men so that this powerful media of theatre will convey their messages.
Among others present were Tahira Malik, vice president ESRM/IPTA, Dr Vinod Sharma, Asstt Prof, Jammu University, OP Ambardaar, Ex ASD, Radio Kashmir, Srinagar and Romesh Chander, president Unison Group and vice president, IPTA.