Entrepreneurs are job creators: Lt Governor

Lt Governor inaugurating Govt Silk Weaving Factory at Bari Brahmana on Saturday.
Lt Governor inaugurating Govt Silk Weaving Factory at Bari Brahmana on Saturday.

Inaugurates JKEDI Building, Govt Silk Weaving Factory

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 1: In a boost to entrepreneurship and Silk Farming in the Jammu region, Lt Governor Girish Chandra Murmu today inaugurated the newly constructed, State-of-the-art Administrative cum Faculty Block of the Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI), besides a Government Silk Weaving Factory and Silk Filatures facility at Bari Brahmana.
Advisor to the Lt Governor, KK Sharma; Chief Secretary B. V. R. Subrahmanyam; Financial Commissioner Health, Atal Dulloo, Commissioner Secre-tary, Department of Industries and Commerce, MK Dwivedi, Divisional Commissioner Jammu Sanjeev Verma, Deputy Commissioner, Samba, Rohit Khajuria, senior officers of Industries and Commerce Department, JKEDI, JK Industries and Health Department accompanied the Lt Governor.
Addressing a huge gathering at Bari Brahamana, the Lt Governor emphasized the importance of entrepreneurship and exhorted the youth to learn from the success stories to make a difference. While inaugurating the Administrative cum Faculty complex of the JKEDI, he held that there is no dearth of talent and only a little handholding of the youth is required to give them a purposeful direction. He advised the EDI officials to ensure advanced skill development and specialized trainings to the youth in consonance with the emerging requirements.
While launching a book on the Success Stories of Entrepreneurs from Jammu and Kashmir, the Lt Governor appreciated the local entrepreneurs for scripting these success stories and felicitated them for achieving exceptional milestones in their respective ventures. ‘You are the job creators and wealth creators. Government alone cannot sustain the economy; it is the entrepreneurs like you who drive the economic engine of a country’, he added.
Meanwhile, the Lt Governor inaugurated Government Silk Weaving Factory and Government Silk Filatures at Bari Brahmana which have been established with project cost of Rs. 16.80 crores and Rs 6.64 crores respectively in a record time of about 2 years.
Both the units have been equipped with modern machinery and equipments under the expert guidance of Central Silk Board, Government of India. The Silk Filatures will provide stable market to about 10,000 farmers in the Jammu region whereas, the Silk Weaving Factory will have the capacity of producing 4,60,000 Meters of Silk fabric creating direct and indirect employment opportunities for the people.
The Lt Governor reiterated that the Government is committed to strengthening the socio-economic fabric of J&K and is always open to the ideas which can take this march forward. He said that the Government is working tirelessly towards the welfare of the people and in the coming few months, a discernible change would be visible on the ground.
Advisor to the Lt Governor, KK Sharma while briefing the gathering said that the facilities dedicated today would go a long way in addressing the issues of unemployed youth and the Silk Farming community.
Chief Secretary B. V. R. Subrahmanyam while addressing the gathering briefed that the building of JKEDI was one of the languishing projects selected for funding under JKIDFC, and it was heartening to note that the work had been executed in a record time of less than two years, which speaks of the intensions and commitment of the Government to deliver efficiently and in a transparent manner.
Later, Lt Governor interacted with industrialists at SIDCO Industrial Estate Samba after inaugurating the Cluster Office and Industrial Finance Branch of J&K Bank.
The Lt Governor maintained that the banks and Industrialists mutually grow with each other’s support, and in a healthy economy, this interface must be strengthened further. The industrialists highlighted their issues, some of which were resolved on the spot and it was assured to them that all the genuine issued would be examined for redressal.
The Lt Governor also interacted with delegations comprising of BDC Chairpersons, Chai-rpersons and Members of Municipal Comm-ittees of District Samba. The delegations put forth various demands like up gradation of roads and health centres in Border areas, STP for Samba Town, office accommodation for BDC Chairpersons, and augmentation of various facilities. The Lt Governor assured the delegations of prompt appropriate action on the issues after examination and also urged them to make proper, futuristic plans in whatever works they take in hand. He also issued on the spot directions to the concerned officers for necessary action wherever required.
Meanwhile, the Lt Governor also laid the foundation stone for additional OPD Block at District Hospital Samba. He also took a round of the Emergency and OPD wards to take stock of the facilities for the patients. Later on, the Lt Governor visited the AIIMS site at Vijaypur to review the progress on the proposed medi-city. He asked the authorities to take all necessary steps and complete the project in a time bound manner.