Ensure uninterrupted supply of electricity, water: Dr. Manyal

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 24: Jammu and Kashmir BJP general secretary and former Minister, Dr. Devinder Kumar Manyal, today said that with each passing day, the temperature in the month of May is shooting up and the people of Jammu region in particular are facing hardships in the scorching heat. The mercury level has reached 44 with further forecast that the coming days will be more hot as the temperature may cross 46 degrees. In such a situation, the only source of relief is either rain or the regular operation of electric gadgets like coolers, fans, air conditioners etc, which can only be possible if the people get uninterrupted, regular supply of electricity.
Stressing upon the senior authorities of the Power Department to take effective steps to ensure that there are no power cuts, Dr. Devinder Kumar Manyal said that the imposition of cuts badly hit the aged persons, patients, young children, the students and the housewives.
He further said that it is not only power cuts but people in many areas are complaining of irregular supply of potable water, which is among the most essential commodity for survival in the consumers.
Dr. Devinder Kumar Manyal said that the concerned departments should monitor the supply of electricity and water on daily basis and provide relief to the consumers.
Meanwhile, Dr. Manyal also appealed the people to make judicious use of electricity and water by switching off lights and other electrical appliances when not using them and conserve water as much as possible.
Dr Manyal advised people to be careful while moving out of their homes. They must cover their faces and heads and forearms. Have enough fluids orally daily. In case of dehydration or Sun stroke, the affected person should immediately consult a doctor.
He also appealed the people to cooperate with the Department in case of any emergency arising due to the severe weather conditions, which may cause damage to the power supplying equipments or result in overloading of grid.