Emancipation of women

Since the time immemorial, women in our country have been enjoying the place of dignity and respect considered better half of man, she always commands respect. In Hindu religion, performance of any sort of ritual isn’t allowed until the wife accompanies the husband. Today, women haven’t left any field of life untouched and have crossed all parameters of excellence in politics, medical sciences, engineering, law and even once considered in accessible services like military and police are now adequately participated and served by them.
Unfortunately, with erosion of moral and ethical values, the fair sex has started suffering social indignation. Graph of crimes they face every day is enormously increasing. Cases of rapes, dowry deaths, domestic violence and indecent behaviour in their own streets and towns aren’t less reflective of so-called civilization. Humiliations they suffer  outside their four walls, obviously remain inexplainable. Sex determination and discrimination for a female child though hiddenly exist are grave in nature. More enrichment and social awakening are awefully needed in the society. Women need to be politically developed, socially and morally emboldened and educationally enriched to fight themselves against the atrocities. The slogan Beti Bachao, Beti Padahao can only be translated meaningfully if the women of our country are protected both socially and economically.
Yours ec…
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunderbani)