Effective border policy

The Government headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is well-poised for comprehensive and effective security of 3488 kms long LAC with China in Ladakh region as well as about LoC, nearly 435 miles or 700 km long with Pakistan. Never before did the Government of India concede as much importance to the strengthening of the security of the border in Ladakh as is done now. Our relations with two of our immediate neighbours, China and Pakistan, have remained strained for the reason that both of them are covetous of grabbing more and more territory illegally. Pakistan has waged three wars against us with the motive of grabbing Kashmir, and China, after making incursions into our north-eastern territory in 1962, continues to claim Arunachal Pradesh. Pakistan has already illegally ceded more than 5,000 square kilometers of Indian territory in Aksaichin to China.
Ever since China and Pakistan formed nexus of sorts against India just because they do not want India to come up as an Asian power with democracy as its political arrangement, they are creating situation on the border that results in exchange of fire and shelling thus endangering life of the innocent people living on the border and damaging their houses, livestock and crops in the process. India does not believe in the use of violence to settle issues. There will be and can be issues on the border but India believes that a lasting solution is the one that is negotiated by the contesting sides.
The Home Minister was recently in Samba to inaugurate the newly constructed Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) post at Ghaghwal. In his address to the distinguished gathering on the occasion, he clarified the border policy of India saying that while India is a firm and committed advocate of peace and tranquility, friendship and cordiality especially with immediate neighbours, she has to guard her borders against intrusion and infiltration just because India has to maintain her sovereignty and territorial integrity. ITBP has been assigned the duty of maintaining security on Sino-Indian border. The newly created Ghagwal Camp of ITBP will function as acclimatizing camp for ITBP recruits for rendering service at an altitude above 9000 feet from sea level on the Himalayas. The ITBP is rendering valuable service to the nation and has discharged its duty with utmost dedication and also making many sacrifices. It is encouraging to note that the Home Minister is aware of the difficulties and problems of the jawans of ITBP and has promised to solve these as early as possible. The question of treating the wounded soldiers on duty during their hospitalization is already decided by the Home Ministry. Providing the jawans with modern equipment and other facilities is in the pipeline.
The Home Minister had flown in to receive feedback from high level field commanders on the ground situation along LAC in the backdrop of Burtse incident. The standoff between Indian and Chinese troops on PLA’s intrusion into our territory and effort to raise an observation post 500 meters inside our territory in Ladakh was resolved and the Chinese troops withdrew to their previous position. However, this is not the first attempt of intrusion made by China. They are used to it despite repeated warnings that the LAC needs to be respected. The same is true about the LoC with Pakistan. It has to be recalled that only ten days ago, the Directors General of BSF and Pakistani Rangers met in New Delhi to discuss and come to some agreement on stopping unprovoked firing and shelling on the International Border in Samba and Kathua. Their talks had hardly ended when Pakistani Rangers resumed firing and shelling on Indian border posts in Balakot area of Poonch district. In this firing we lost an officer of the BSF and several jawans were injured. About seven civilians were killed by Pakistani firing. Pakistan is repeatedly violating the ceasefire agreement of 2003. India has been telling Pakistan to maintain the sanctity of the ceasefire agreement. In another bid, Brigadier level flag meetings between the two sides were held to work out modalities of reviving the ceasefire agreement of 2003 and bringing back peace and tranquility on the border so that innocent civilians are not subjected to recurring threat of getting killed in cross firing. Whether Pakistan will respect its commitment and instruct the field commanders not to resort to unprovoked firing along the LoC is a moot point. On our part we have to be prepared to meet any eventuality.
Hostile attitude of China and Pakistan both has become a compulsion for India to upgrade security arrangement along both borders. The Home Minister declared that 7 battalions of ITBP were already deployed along LAC and the Home Ministry was in the process of raising 40 new border posts, 12 subsidiary posts and 12 staging camps. Mobile towers for 34 Border Observation Posts would be raised to streamline communication. But the most important challenge before the Government was to have overland connectivity with this long and difficult border called LAC extending from Ladakh to Arunachal. Unfortunately the project of constructing 804 kilometers of road connectivity floated in 2008 could not be completed in full and only 191 kilometers have been completed. The Home Minster assured that the remaining 613 kilometers of road connectivity would be brought to completion and actually the work had begun.
Ever since NDA Government assumed charge, Ladakh border has been very much in the news. Besides the Prime Minister, the Home, Defence and Communication Ministers have paid several visits to Ladakh border to assess the security scenario along the sensitive border with China. A number of developmental schemes, particularly those that will boost the infrastructure of Ladakh and its border, are contemplated and some of these have been floated. The overland road and telecommunication connectivity is given first priority. Defence Ministry is also making huge contribution to road connectivity. The tunneling of Gagangir and Zoji La on Srinagar – Leh Highway, on which work has already begun, will make Ladakh accessible throughout the year. There is also the talk of rail connectivity to Leh. Combined efforts made by Defence, Home, Roads and other Union Ministries for the development of Ladakh is bound to change the life of the people in that forbidden region.


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