Educational set up in the State

Since the dawn of independence, it has been the goal of the Govts to provide employment to our educated youths to alleviate poverty. Consequently, the recruitment  process remained confined in providing  job opportunities on various grounds to ensure wholesome development of the masses. Thus the concept of quality education remained closed to private institutions and the Govt schools where the wards of common masses only are destined to go received no attention. But the onus of such sorry affairs, as now we witness, when hundreds of Govt schools are either locked or on the brink of closure due to extremely poor enrolment doesn’t go entirely to the recruitment systems, as alleged in the case of ReTs, but unchecked prevalence of corruption, dereliction of duty, totally faulty and loopholed policies like transfer, attachments and engagement of school teachers on other duties like Survey, elections etc and more than most lackadaisical attitude of the CEOs, ZEOs and Headmasters, due to administrative incompetence, where exists,  have considerably proved detrimental in the fall of educational standards.
The Govt schools which are now in withering stage need immediate attention. Naeem Akhtar, the Minister for Education, as appears deeply engaged in streamlining the systems which are rusted and failing in fructifying the sector, the educational phenomenon isn’t unlikely to deliver what actually is required in the passing stage of educational and technical advancement.
Yours etc….
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)