DyCM, Bhalla inspect sectt complex

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Sept 23: Deputy Chief Minister Tara Chand along with Minister for Housing, Horticulture, Culture, Youth Services and Sports Raman Bhalla today conducted tour of the Civil Secretariat complex and had spot review of the works undertaken in the complex, here today.
Directing the executing agencies to speed up the dewatering and clean-up works, the Deputy Chief Minister said the complex has suffered damages due to flooding and incessant rains and now authorities have to ensure that the Secretariat starts operating as soon as possible.
He said men and machinery needs to be geared up for cleaning and making the complex fit for employees to come and start doing their routine work.
A joint review of the damages caused to the infrastructure and records due to water entering ground floor of the complex was done by the Ministers.
Later, the Deputy Chief Minister chaired a high level review meeting of the School Education Department and detailed deliberations were done to access the damages done to school infrastructure all across the valley.
Secretary, School Education Nirmal Sharma, Director School Education, Kashmir, Director, RMSA, MD, Housing Ram Pal Sharma, CEO and other senior officers of the department attended the meeting.
Tara Chand said that decision on examination would only be taken after considering the overall scenario of the damages to the schools and operational viability of the classes, adding that appropriate decision on conducting examinations in flood hit areas would be taken after taking into account all the parameters as well as assessment of the concerned authorities.
Underscoring on detailed assessment of the damages to different schools, the Deputy Chief Minister said the school buildings have suffered massive damages and certain buildings have still not being completely dewatered, adding that necessary steps have be initiated for early dewatering of the school buildings.
He said a comprehensive report on status of the school buildings being fit to start operations has to be prepared and PWD authorities should be involved to report on fitness of the schools.
“The stress is on early resumption of classes but no chances would be taken on the fitness of the school infrastructure, only when we are fully sure about the fitness the school activities would begin,” he reiterated.


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