The use of narcotics is a great curse for the society. It is increasing day by day and has become a menace and a challenge to the humanity. It seriously affects the nervous system of the user and makes him a burden on the society. In our country the use of ‘heroin’ is increasing very rapidly. Even the educational institutions have not been spared of this menace. The survey reports show that our young ones are using different drug a such as opium, charas, bhung and heroin etc. Some of them take these drug as a fashion while the others get addicted to escape from day to day worries.
This problem is assuming alarming proportions as it is being now used by our women folk. Most of the people fall a prey to the narcotics sellers due to their ignorance. But once they are trapped, they become slaves of these drugs. These sellers are the enemies of humanity. They are selfish persons and want to become rich overnight. They deserve severe punishment.
Yours etc…
M S Nazki
Mendhar Poonch