Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 20: Dr T. R. Raina, former Professor Head Blood Bank & Former Programme Director Advanced Yoga Centre Government Medical College Jammu has started a series of awareness lectures on” Holistic Health, Science of Yoga & Stress Management.”
The first lecture of this series was delivered by Dr Raina today in the conference hall of Government Hospital Gandhi Nagar Jammu for the staff and nursing students of the Hospital. The lecture was organised under the patronship of Minister for Health and Medical Education Bali Bhagat. who himself is a firm believer and practioner of Yoga
During the PPT presentation, Dr Raina said that in this age of scientific advancement and development everybody right from the child to the old is under stress and strain and this is primarily because of pervasive and fast life style and on top of it , the industrialisation, urbanization, deforestation, air pollution, contamination of food , sedentary habits and day to day’s problems faced by the society leads to more stress and strain which is the main cause of all non communicable diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity and Heart problems.
On the suggestion of Dr Raina, the Hospital administration agreed to dedicate one room in the hospital premises for Yoga and Meditation where any hospital staff member during his/her free time can go and practise simple Yogic techniques and Meditation thus gaining more efficiency in working and service to the patients. .
Dr Madhuri Slathia Medical Superintendent along with Dr Arun Sharma Dy Medical Superintendent, senior consultants, doctors, paramedical and non medical staff members and nursing and para medical students of hospital attended the programme.