Double standards

For the last few day’s it has been observed that academicians, intellectuals and other dignified and learned persons have been returning the most coveted awards to either Sahitya Academi or such other agencies in quick succession, latest being some filmmakers in protest against the increasing attacks on minorities. However, it is a personal view of writers, academicians and other intellectuals as a way to show their resentment and protest which can’t be questioned. I am, however at a loss to understand why such conscience did not kindle in them when there was mass exodus of KPs from Kashmir who were forced to leave their ancestral homes without any fault of theirs. Not only this many intellectuals were murdered and massacred in cold blood. Were they not human beings?? were they not Indians and permanent residents of Kashmir? Were was their conscience at that time. This speaks of double standard adopted by intellectuals. The way in which the intellectuals were hacked to death mercilessly and the repetition of such stories compels a man to think that those were barbaric activities but alas! the sage and intelligent persons remained quiet mum without showing any resentment, but why so. This simply  speaks of the communal tinge. So in order to be positive and rational, one should look into the depth of a thing from rationalistic point of view in order to have the scales of justice smooth and even.
Yours etc…
Dwarika Nath Raina
H No. 131 Upper Muthi