Doctor in dock

This has reference to the news item regarding PG Doctors and Registrars in Government Medical College Hospital Jammu going on strike following scuffle with a lady attendant on 4th February,2015.It reflects the ‘spirit of service’ of our doctors who once used to be considered next to God.Most of these doctors are trained in Government institutions at the cost of lakhs of rupees from public exchequer being spent on them not denying the fact that they happen to be very meritorious and hardworking to secure seat in Government run medical college and even in privately owned colleges.
Something is lacking in their training program which makes them to behave with the attendant of a patient under stress in such an unbecoming manner as to lead to such scuffles .Their seniors who are supposed to set an example in right behaviour towards the patient and attendant actually don’t have time from their private practice to properly train their students in this art of treating patients through love ,assurance and sympathy . Incidentally why should an attendant who has come to Government hospital for treatment enter into any altercation or scuffle if the behaviour of the attending doctor is decent ,satisfactory and sympathetic .
Unfortunately meritorious students choose the medical profession not with the spirit of service but as a career which can give them ample opportunity to earn lot of money at the cost of helpless patients . They don’t think that it is in Government hospitals they are trained and patients give them an opportunity to improve their skills and for that they should perform their duties toward patients sympathetically and deal with their attendants in a humanitarian manner and not like other officers of the insensitive Government departments.
Yours etc…..
Pragya Mahajan
SMVDU, Katra