Div Com, IGP Kashmir visit Jamia Masjid Srinagar as Friday prayers ‘disallowed for 30 weeks now’

SRINAGAR, Feb 28: Divisional Commissioner Kashmir PK Pole and Inspector General of Police Kashmir Vijay Kumar on Monday visited historic Jamia Masjid here to review measures to reopen the mosque for Friday prayers.
The top officers also held a meeting with the cleric of the grand mosque and secretary of Anjuman Auqaf Jama Masjid, the body which manages the affairs of the mosque.
The body has been expressing strong resentment over “disallowing the Friday congregational prayers at the historic mosque for 30 straight weeks now.”
In a recent statement, the Auqaf had termed disallowing the obligatory Muslim prayers at the mosque “extremely regrettable and reprehensible”.
“It is incomprehensible that while the followers of all the religions across the world including Jammu and Kashmir are attending their respective religious places of worship and performing rituals why are the prayers being disallowed and stopped in the largest place of worship in Kashmir – the Jamia Masjid Srinagar which is a great centre and source of Islamic teachings,” the Auqaf said in the statement. (AGENCIES)