Disruption in Assembly

It does not auger well for the State if the Assembly functioned, the way it started. The ruckus created by the opposition on the very first day of its opening was in bad taste. The opposition has every right to present its view point on the developments taking place in this part of the country, but not the way it is conducting itself.
The people have suffered much  in absence of the Government after the demise of Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed. Though there was little reprieve during Governor’s rule, most of the works got stuck in absence of popular Government. The new Government had right from the beginning to tackle some issues like NIT row, Handwara killings etc. This left less time for the Government to tackle other issues.
Assembly is the right place for elected representatives to highlight the problems people of the State face. If, on the other hand, they indulge in unnecessary walkouts, and fist fights, the precious time of the Assembly will get waste, as happened with Parliamentary proceedings during last two years. A State like Jammu and Kashmir can’t afford this luxury. It is better our representatives conduct themselves in a manner  be fitting their status.
Yours etc….


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