Dismiss PDP-BJP coalition for glorification of secessionism: Oppn

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 12: Various political and non political parties have taken serious exception to the surfacing of the photo of separatist leader, Asiya Andrabi with the photographs of the great women personalities of the country who have been role models for others also in the Government campaign for ‘Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao’ in Kashmir valley.
The Pradesh Congress while taking strong exception to the incident in which Andrabi has been shown as a role model termed it a matter of serious concern.
JKPCC chief spokesperson, Ravinder Sharma in a statement issued here, today said that PDP-BJP Government has been a utter failure to check the separatist tendencies and questioned BJP especially Deputy Chief Minister, Nirmal Singh for their total failure to safeguard the interests of the nation and respect  the nationalistic sentiments.
He said Andrabi has been shown a role model along with former Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi and other great personalities like Mother Teresa, which is an insult to the nation and Government should seek an apology and also take strict action against the people responsible for the same.
Reacting sharply to the ploy Panthers Party chairman and former Minister Harsh Dev Singh said  with Asiya Andrabi having been portrayed and projected as a role model, along with other prominent women personalities of the country, in a State Government  function organized in Kashmir, there remained little doubt as to who were the ‘de jure’ rulers in the State.
Singh in a statement issued here today observed that the said episode, had unfolded the bitter reality that BJP and PDP were acting as mere agents of the separatists and it was the latter whose writ was running in the State. He said identification of women personalities for “Beti Bachao Beti Padao” campaign is a carefully and well thought exercise and could not have been possible without the approval of the Government, which is now trying to shirk responsibility under public and media pressure.
He said that a CDPO was being made a sacrificial lamb by the Government by deflecting the blame to her and by suspending her which was totally unacceptable. He said that the incumbent BJP-PDP Government had to accept the responsibility for glorification of such secessionists and anti nationals and step down for such anti national and seditious exhibition.
Strongly condemning the portrayal of Asiya Andrabi as a women achiever with women legends like Indira Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Lata Mangeshkar, Habba Khatoon and Kalpana Chawla, Harsh Dev Singh said that the saffron flavoured Government had done the greatest dis-service to the nation.
The KP Sabha Jammu has also taken a strong view of the fact that the Social Welfare Department has included the picture of separatist Asiya Andrabi in the poster issued regarding the “Beti Padhao Beti Bachao campaign”. This is not only downright insulting but is a serious criminal offence for which the perpetrators need to be arrested and tried in the court of law.
The Sabha demanded that all the posters be withdrawn immediately and the State Government come out with a categorical condemnation in no uncertain terms. The Sabha also demanded that the probe into this derogatory and antinational episode be handed over to the NIA or the CBI so that the culprits are brought to book.
This kind of unfortunate and antinational act is indicative of the deep malaise that is afflicting the bureaucracy and must be nipped in the bud.
The Sabha also appealed the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and the BJP president Amit Shah to give a final warning to the State Government that any such lapse in future would result in pulling out of the Government since BJP boasts about having zero tolerance to anti national acts.
Asiya Andrabi is the epitome of regression and has been campaigning for pushing daughters of the Valley to the dark ages and needs to be tried and punished for this in addition to her trial for treason and waging of war against the nation. Equating her with National icons is a travesty of huge proportions and is highly condemnable, Sabha added.


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