Dismal condition of Dogri

This has reference to the article ‘Dismal condition of Dogri in education system’ DE Apr 10.
In view of the valid points raised by the author of the article, the Government should seriously ponder over paying attention to Dogri which is spoken by almost half of the population of the State.
All other State Governments pay much attention to their local languages. In case of J&K, the local languages-Dogri, Kashmiri and  Bodhi do not get much attention. As a result all the three languages fail to find a dignified place in the hearts of people.
A culture can exist only if it has its language and idiom intact. By ignoring language there is every apprehension that it may endanger both culture as well as language.
The people speaking the language therefore must do everything possible to preserve their mother tongue.
Yours etc….
Ankush Gupta


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