Discriminatory Mediclaim Insurance Policy

It is appreciated that the State Government has introduced Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy for the gazetted employees. This clearly reveals that the Government is quite keen to improve the living condition of the employees. But at the same time, it reveals the discrminatory attitude of the Government towards non-gazetted employees who have been left out of its ambit. Isn’t it quite ironical and disgusting that the section of employees which should have been extended the insurance benefit on priority basis, has been left out to fend for themselves. It is this section which is financially less sound them the gazetted one.
One fails to understand why the Government has turned Nelson’s eye towards this segment which renders more service to society them the gazetted, being numerically more in number.
The State Government should not have applied different yardsticks for its employees. Either the Insurance benefit should have been for  both the segments or for none, or the Government should have adopted the old practice which was in vogue some five years ago during  PDP-Congress rule.
It is time for the Government to mend the rules and extend the Insurance cover to all sections of employees.
Yours etc……
Amit Sharma


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