Discontentment and negativity of mind

B. M. Kohli
Appreciating   fully in whatever circumstances you live, what you do and what you deliver is a way of life which can make a man contented and happy. While taking food, chew it slowly with patience it will digest. When you start doing anything- do it with  confidence.  you will succeed  and when you get some results in the end -feel the joy of achieving it,  it will give you pleasure. Discontentment and impatience    makes achiever a non achiever.  After all what you want to achieve in life is — happiness. You work hard, you struggle, you cheat others and even you fight only to earn   happiness for yourself and your near and dears.
May it be temporarily,  One’s sole purpose is to achieve only happiness. You can’t perceive God with no happiness. Yogananda, in his Autobiography   has  said “This happiness or Anand” is a manifestation form of God “Sat Chit Anand”.  All religions, in a way manifest God in humanity and positive thinking is a key to start with. Proceed positively. If to say “You Can”  – it is a positive thought,  then to say ‘Cannot’  is a negative aspect of it and ‘I will try’ is again semi positive , lacking determination. Yes, Come out with determination. “I can make this happen” and you are proceeding to be successful from the first day. And when you achieve it you will feel the enjoyment more than anybody else. Aspiring for some goal is a positive  point and makes you achiever, whereas expectation for the same is not so positive.  Inspiration leads to fulfillment of your dream and gives satisfaction and happiness where as expectation is unsatisfying and it makes you beggar  not creator. Inspiration never allows you to achieve through wrong  deeds whereas in later case you adopt all means to fulfill your whim. It will  not be wrong to say that expectation is a sort of enemy to life because there is a negative aspect of it.
First one leads to happiness even during the process whatever you achieve and the later adds frustration every moment till you achieve the goal. Proceeding towards the happiness, stop focusing on all that is wrong and focus on the acts which give  permanent bliss in life even at times in future also whenever you think of it. Again appreciate the people around you for what they are and what they can do , instead of focusing on their defects,  is inspiring act and when each time we complain and criticize, it leads to inviting negativity into our lives as well as in others also.
The world known psychologists have termed complaining as a mental noise and does not help in accomplishing  anything good whatsoever and leads  to depression or bad mood . Any one going in this phase  can indulge in self destructive behavior like excessive drinking or drugs unless one does not adopt forgetfulness attitude, as suggested by one my neighbor who usually complaints about his family members.  On the other hand positive thinking leads you to a clear mind and joyful feeling which, perhaps, he missed by not appreciating them.  One can use this feeling for learning new things but certainly not when you feel bad.
Each time we utter something negative about life, we actually begin to believe more and more and make it come true  and  our imagined ills become our reality. But reverse is also true. When we believe things are good they become better.  When we visualize success and talk about all that is positive, and success actually begins to take shape for us. And leads to happiness. You must have heard dialogues  “All is well ”  and “Be positive” in some movies  to convey that such feelings bring   positivity in minds.   More often you  feel good and  likely things will work out the way you want them to. Even scientists have come to the conclusion that negative thinking, which they used to discard as hopeless case, can be reset towards positive aspect. When feeling good, positive thinking will naturally happen. But when you are thinking negative, just try to change your thoughts to positive and over a period of half an hour or so doing it, you will feel sufficiently better. Because negativity has never done good to anybody in the long run.