Swami Ramswarup Ji, Yogacharya
God preaches in Vedas that the main motto of human life is to realise God by following eternal vedic path. Although Vedas contain unlimited knowledge right from straw to Brahma including creation yet, Atharvaved emphasis that the main subject matter of the Vedas is to know/realise the Almighty God while discharging all moral duties according to vedas. Vedas further educate us that at first step the deeds done for the welfare of the human beings to maintain good character to attain Samadhi by practice of Ashtang Yog Philosophy and to do pious deeds with pure intellect is called “Dharma” (righteousness).
That is why, Manusmriti Shloka 2/6 states that – “Vedaha Akhilaha Dharma Moolam” i.e., all Vedas are the root from where deeds are originated/known. So, the dharma (righteousness), pious deeds are preached by God in Vedas and is not made by anybody else either man or woman. Poorva Mimansa Shastra Sutra 1/1/2 also states that God gives order to all human beings that whatever deeds are discharged by human- beings according to vedas, those are called “Dharma” (pious deeds) and on the contrary, the deeds which are not inspired by God in vedas but are
done by human-beings those are called “Adharma” (irreligious deeds-sin). This is the eternal definition of pious and impious deeds.
Again, a person who does the deeds according to Vedas and in turn he gets happiness in the present life and also gets salvation then such pious deeds are called Dharma (religious deeds).
Followings are the signs of Dharma(pious deeds).
To understand and obey the orders of Almighty God mentioned in Vedas.To understand and discharge the duties towards nation.
To maintain virtuous conduct according to Vedas. To realise all living beings like one’s own soul.So, happiness and sorrows of others should become our own happiness and sorrows. Must take interest in eternal vedic spiritualism (so, in Vedas the Dharma(pious deeds) and the eternal truth are synonymous to each other). Actually, if in the matter of Dharma -pious deeds/righteousness, there exist the eternal traditional views based on vedic evidence and which are beneficial not only for all human beings, but also for all living beings then the mind of the society will be steadfast on the said Dharmaand the public would also take interest to follow the Dharma. On the other hand, if the base of the Dharma will be on blind faith, bad traditions, selfishness, conservative views, false convictions andpolicy withoutargumentation then the destruction of society starts quickly.
Wrong credity of the Dharma generates corruption, self-made bad traditions, characterlessness, foolishness in discharging duties, dissimilarity, casteism, downfall and exploitation of women, violence, hatred and also generatesunlimited badness. As a result the nation becomes hollow.
The fourth sign of Dharma quoted above contains the traditional and eternal spiritualism. Said spiritualism is only mentioned in Vedas, this spiritualism states that until a person realises God he can never get peace, would not be able to discharge moral duties and can never spend long, happy life, no matter whether he is rich or poor. So it is sad that due to ignorance, most of the people are after materialistic articles and pomp and show. They have forgotten their eternal vedic culture then question to discharge their duties according to Vedas does not arise. As a result, question of attaining happiness/salvation, maintaining brotherhood by destroying the sorrows, problems, illness also vanishes away.
Hence, we must understand that definition of Dharma mentioned in Vedas and ancient vedic culture written by Rishi-Munis is – pious deeds done according to Vedas and not present religion etc.
If we also pay our attention towards Bhagwad Geeta shloka 3/15 then we will be able to know that the pious deeds originate from eternal knowledge of Vedas and as such Vedas emanate directly from God ( Yajurved mantra 31/7 also refers). Study of all four Vedas and our ancient vedic culture has very well revealed that in the absence of eternal worship of God nobody can attain permanent peace/salvation, which destroys all types of sorrows and promotes universal brotherhood, in the absence of which violence/ militancy cannot be overcome. So, to spread international brotherhood and to overcome the violence also, Samved mantra 50 states that every human being must listen to vedic knowledge from a learned acharya, who knows four Vedas and has realised God after doing hard practice of Ashtang Yog Philosophy.