In an interview to our correspondent, Director General of Police K. Rajendra has given an updated assessment of militancy-related ground situation in the State and particularly in the Valley. The picture he has painted is reassuring and testifies to his deep understanding of the ground reality. After the liquidation of senior commanders of various militant groups operating in Kashmir, the outfits are in disarray and have maximally lost operative coordination. Although a sporadic strike at an odd place or on an odd occasion might and does take place that, however, does not prove that militants have upper hand. Even in a state of frustration, a militant carrying a gun or a hand grenade may strike to draw the attention of the authorities. The second reality is that militant organizations are not able to find fresh recruits for training in arms and subversion. There are several reasons for that. One is that the routes of sneaking in and out of LoC have been blocked effectively and many people trying to cross over clandestinely have been gunned down by the security forces. Crossing over has become most hazardous Militant organizations are drying up because fresh recruits are not forthcoming. The recent statement of Sayyid Salahu’d-Din, the Chief of Jihad Council in Muzaffarabad (PoK) accusing Pakistan of not fulfilling its commitments to the jihadis in Kashmir is actually the voice of frustration because his militant cadres are drying up. Secondly, people have changed their attitude towards militancy and violence. They have begun to realize how much disastrous it is for the economic and social health of the State. Younger generation of Kashmiris is more interested in higher, professional and technical training for which avenues and facilities are available in the State and in other parts of the country. Thousands of Kashmiri youth have sought admission in various educational institutions of the country. Many of them have excelled and come out with flying colours. They are now competing and succeeding in national level competitive examinations and visualize the bright career that awaits them. The choice of making a career has been very effective in shaping the vision of these young people and their parents as well. The third and most important factor is the widespread insecurity and instability that have overtaken Pakistan’s domestic affairs. Deepening social instability owing to upsurge in the creed of violence, besides crisis in Pak-US relations can’t be without impact on Pakistan’s traditional negative relations with India. There is growing realization in saner sections in Pakistan that a military solution of Kashmir is a fallacy and needs to be abandoned. That is the reason why a number of options are springing up from both sides aiming at either a peaceful solution of Kashmir issue or putting a twenty year moratorium on it. Much depends on how domestic situation develops in Pakistan. India would want a strong, democratic and economically independent Pakistan. A weak and rickety neighbour is not in favour of India because that endangers peace in the region.
However, as an experienced cop familiar with the ground situation in different parts of the valley and the State, and also known for his integrity and dedication to duty, the Police Chief is right in saying that security forces cannot lower the guard on the presumption that militancy has come down to zero level. The fact is that terrorist training camps across the LoC are intact; these are also being shifted intermittently to avoid identification. This means that the handlers of militant groups are still hopeful that these camps would run as usual. As far as infiltration is concerned the police chief has made cautious observations. The bids of sneaking into this side are still made at various points along the LoC, more recently in Rajouri and Poonch sectors. But effective strategy evolved by the army and border security force to forestall infiltration bids has been very successful. Most of such bids have been foiled with casualties inflicted on the infiltrators. But then some small infiltration bids could be made successfully because of the great variation in local topography and also the modus operandi of the infiltrators. These minor incidents are being handled with adequate efficiency and skill.
Reacting to the matter of security threats to elected Sarpanchs and Panchs after recent elections, the DGP said that the subject was blown out of proportion by some people with vested interests. We know that it is a strategy of the militants to threaten and intimidate democratic institutions in the State and disrupt peace. There have been one or two cases and the police are investigating the matter to find out the source of threat if any and they will deal with the matter effectively. The police are determined to ensure that peace and normalcy are retained and developmental enterprises do not suffer. Hopefully the new DGP will prove a source of inspiration for his boys.