Developmental activities, transparent governance will be revived : Azad

Excelsior Correspondent

Former Union Minister, Ghulam Nabi Azad addressing election rally on Wednesday.
Former Union Minister, Ghulam Nabi Azad addressing election rally on Wednesday.

KATHUA, Dec 3: Asserting that all the elements of Congress-led governance like massive developmental activities, double shift/triple shift, work culture, transparency, accountability, etc will be revived in the State, Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha & Former Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad today called upon the people of the State to give a decisive and convincing mandate in favour of Congress party.
He said that Congress-led Government from 2006-08 scripted a new chapter of good governance and development in the State notwithstanding the fact that certain regressive and anti-development forces covertly played a sinister game to scuttle the agenda of good governance and development.
He urged the people to support the Congress party and his efforts to recommence the process of fast-track and all-round development of all the three regions of the State with a focus on remote and backward areas like Bani, Billawar, Dudu Basantgarh, Gool-Arnas, Bhamag, Gool, Gulabgarh, Rajouri, Poonch, Doda, Ramban,etc.
Mr Azad was speaking in Bani & Billawar constituencies, Ambika Soni, AICC general Secretary also spoke on the occasion. Congress Candidates, Dr Manohar Lal Sharma and Rajnesh Sharma were also present.
Urging the people to compare the two and half years of Congress-led Government with the rule of all other political parties of the State, Azad said he is seeking a decisive mandate from the people of the State on the basis of proven track record and promise of good governance.
He said that if people will repose trust in the Congress Party, massive developmental activities will be resumed in the entire State with special focus on roads, drinking water, power generation, tourism, rural infrastructure, schools, colleges, skill development, job creation, etc to speed up the journey of State on the path of prosperity and progress.
Hitting out at the divisive and exploitative forces, Azad said that people are aware how the remote and backward areas, like Bani, Basohli and Billawar were used as vote- banks for almost sixty years by certain parties and it is only Congress party which made sincere beginning to initiate development activities.
Azad said that inspite of the best efforts of the divisive forces to mislead the people of the State, Congress party has received tremendous support of the people in the first two phases of elections and that this trend is going to replicate in all the forthcoming rounds as the people of the State have made up their mind to revive the glorious era of 2006-08 in Jammu & Kashmir.
Calling the NDA Government a ‘U-Turn Sarkar’, Ambika Soni said that NDA Governmant not only has failed to fulfil its electoral promises, but has let down the people of the country by taking U-Turns on all the issues which it was vociferously raising in the run-up to Lok Sabha elections.
Ambikla Soni said that every individual of the country was eager to receive Rs 15 lakh in his/her account within 100 days of the NDA Government but surprisingly, now Prime Minister says he does not know how much black money is stashed in the foreign banks.
Lashing out the NDA Government for failing to stop the ceasefire violations on the International Border, she said “where have the tall claims of Prime Minister gone?”
She asked why the Prime Minister, who used to sermonize on frivolous and petty issues before coming to power, is maintaining a silence on the frequent killing of our security jawans.
Questioning the BJP Government’s seriousness and intent to tackle terrorist violence, Ambika Soni said that how long this Govt will succeed to mislead the public while terrorist attacks have shown unprecedented spurt across the country, including the Maoist infested areas.