Development of Gandala-Narore as Tourist Resort

This is to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to the unparalleled natural beauty and charm of Gandala,Tirchi and Narore villages near Udhampur.All these villages have a topline of coniferous trees with cool and refreshing breeze blowing all the time.This region,if developed as tourist resort can attract a large number of tourists which can boost the local economy a lot.At the same time,the potholed Udhampur-Gandala-Narore Road needs to be repaired.A large number of population lives in this pictursque belt overlooking the world famous Pandava Temples at Krimachi and and Birma nallah endowed with natural beauty.While the journey of the commuters including the students and local people is much uncomfortable, the bad condition of the road also fails to attract the visitors to this region.Though the work of the wideningof the road is in progress,the pace needs to be accelerated.The road also needs black-topping. As such it is requested to the concerned authorities to resume the work after the lockdown ends and accelerate its pace to provide good road connectivity to the local people.Moreover, steps must also be taken to develop this region into a tourist resort.
Ashok Padha

Provide garbage bin
Everybody knows how much cleanliness and sanitation is needed especially at a time when Corona virus has been threatening our lives for two months now. It is true that major roads stand sanitised in Jammu but the bi-lanes have not been touched so far. Further, the garbage dumped at various places is not removed regularly and the areas are not sanitised. In Lane No 2/2, Roopnagar Enclave, which is also called Dr. Chowdury Lane, Municipality had provided a big Garbage Collecting container. However, God knows why they lifted it long ago. Nowadays the garbage is collected directly at this lane that gives bad smell and it enhances the risk of many diseases. We request to the concerned authorities of Municipality Jammu to provide a big container having good capacity so that residents would collect the garbage in it and would finally be taken away by the municipality. Otherwise, they should shift the place of dumping of garbage somewhere else.
Shashi Koul
Roop Nagar

Remove garbage dump
This is to draw the attention of the JMC authorities towards the insanitary conditions prevailing near our residence at Sector-I, Durga Nagar.
There is a plot near Krishna Palace which falls in our victinity. It has been turned into a garbage dump by the people of the locality. This dump has become a source of nuisance for us as it not only emits foul smell but it has become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Besides, one can see stray cattle and dogs foraging for food in this dump. As a result, the environment in the surrounding is vitiating day by day. To get rid of this problem it is requested to the JMC authorities to remove this dump forever. Otherwise, it will make our life miserable.
Vishal Manhas
Shop No. 5, Sector 1
Durga Nagar

Plea to JK Bank authorities
While operating J&K Bank’s mobile Banking App mPay, I observed that it gives option for paying donation but to a particular religious place only. As such the Government of J&K, Chief Executive Officer Cum Managing Director, J&K Bank, Officers Association of J&K Bank et al, are requested to kindly get JK Bank’s mPay App updated so that its customers get an additional option for donating to PM CARES Fund and other allied Relief Funds, in view of pandemic that has engulfed the whole world. The said App has also not been updated since long as it continues to show the option of recharging for BIG TV, TATADOCOMO, TATADOCOMO SP, TATAINDICOM. etc. which are no more in operation now. Recharging and payment option of BSNL connection, Airtel, payment of PHE water connection charges etc. also needs to include in the App.
Rakesh Hangloo

Stranded people’s plea to LG
This is to inform that we, the stranded people approached the LG administration time and again for our evacuation from Delhi, but nothing has been done so far. We on daily basis from dusk till dawn are trying to contact the so called helplines issued by the administration but unfortunately, bear no results.Most of the families are running out of the money to pay their rents and an imminent starvation is threatening our existence if the authorities continue to sleep in deep slumber. We are the residents of the Jammu & Kashmir and it is the duty of the administration to bring us back to home.There are number of families who were in the capital for medical treatment and are now caught in the deep trouble. The small business runners, shawl sellers whose income depends on day to day business are facing the worst conditions. I myself being the arthritis and diabetic patient are not getting the necessary medicines. The prolonged stay will now have serious consequences on my health.Though after various efforts the Office of Resident Commissioner’s helpline No. is now asking for the list of stranded people but still the fate remains unclear regarding the J&K administration policies.
We now urge the administration to wake up to the our miseries and evacuate us back to our homes.We assure the cooperation in case we are asked to remain in Quarantine in Kashmir.
Nazir Ahmad Khan
Improvement/upgradation of Nallah
A Nallah is flowing from Janipur via Muthi Camp, Udhaywala SD Colony and Lakshmi Vihar Lane No. 9 Tomal Jattan Bohri. During rainy seasons water overflows from the said nallah and enters the adjacent houses causing huge loss of property. In this connecion, a delegation from Lane No. 9, Lakshmi Vihar Tomal Jattan approached the Advisors to Governor Mr Ganai and K K Sharma several times during year 2018-19 and 2020 as well as the Chief Engineer UEED for onward construction/upgradation of nallah as the nallah is constructed upto Udhaywala only. Keeping the problems of people in view on account of this it is requested to the CE UEED-Commissioner JMC Jammu to construct the said nallah on both the sides to redress the grievances of the inahabitants.
R L Dhar
President Welfare Committee
Lakshmi Vihar Lane No. 9
Tomal Jattan