Develop Krimchi as a tourist spot

Krimchi is a small town situated about 12 km from Udhampur on Pancheri-Udhampur road. There is a cluster of ancient temples of national importance with the name Pandav temples. The responsibility for conserving, preserving and maintaining these Centrally protected monuments is on Archeological Survey of India (ASI). On very first sight to these temples one can remember the style resembling Khajuraho and Lingaraja temples. These monuments are of great beauty.  But it is a matter of great concern that these temples have received a raw deal so far. Their condition can be imagined from the fact that they have no approach road. Presently, they can be approached through a road along a stream which is quite risky. Besides, it seems that administration have abandoned them for ever. No publicity either through print or electronic medium is given to them to bring them in view of tourists.
It is therefore requested to the concerned authorities to develop this place as a tourist spot, and take care of the complex.
The construction of approach road is a necessity and it should be take on priority basis.
Yuri Rajput
Repair of road
We, the resident of Sec-6, Lane No.-13 Nanak Nagar, Jammu are facing difficulty to walk in the lane, PHE has taken water pipes through our lane to other locality. It is fine, but the road has been not repaired and it is very difficult to walk on the road. So Chief Engineer PHE is requested to take necessary action in the matter.
Gajinderpal Singh
Nanak Nagar, Jammu
Thandapani-Taryath road needs repairs
Condition of the road can well be explained by the unfortunate drivers who regularly drive on the road. Pits and ditches make the journey extremely uncomfortable and risky. Poor drainage system contributes in its pitiable condition. Since ill-maintained roads cause fatal accidents, need for immediate repairs can’t be over emphasised.
It is requested to the concerned authorities to get this road constructed at the earliest.
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)
Release funds for Krimchi road
To create facilities at and around centuries old Pandava Temples Krimchi, 8 km towards North-West of Udhampur city, years back a plan was prepared and few provisions were envisaged by the concerned authorities. In fact the pressing requirement there at was/is a ½ km motorable link road. The PWD R&B Division Udhampur tendered the 500 mtr, with 10 mtr width, road construction work. The aforesaid department under its allotment order No: 11314-20 dated: 15-03-2008 entrusted the construction of link road by way of E/Work and cutting/filling to the temples. After E/Work the project of protection/CD works like construction of 2 Hume Pipe culverts, R/Wall, B/Wall and road side drain was tendered and allotment to another contractor by the above department under its allotment order No: R-209/8521-25 dated: 02-09-2013. The projects completion time was six months. But, unfortunately the work presently stands abandoned/stopped due to the non-availability of funds. However, the PWD R&B Division Udhampur claims that it vide its letter No. R-209/301-04/CS dated: 30-05-2014 has  demanded for release of funds required for the completion of said link road to the Pandava Temples site. But no funds have been released so far.
One really is astonished and shocked to see that such a small portion of 500 mtrs link road that too in the plain fields is being stretched over to years on one pretext or the other. The funds should be released forthwith tio complete the small but most important project at the war footing progress and priority of the people at large.
Swatantra Dev Kotwal
Replace unsafe and damaging speed breakers
The roads, bumps and speed breakers constructed between 4 kilo mtrs stretch between Army Public School and Garhi Udhampur to check the speed of vehicles and preventive measures to avoid accidents or untoward incidents are quite damaging for human body structure. They also endanger the vehicles, their silencers, chambers, petrol tanks and complete body. There are standard norms and code for constructing speed breakers on the identified accident prone zones viz-a-viz limitation on account of number of speed breakers but in the case of the area falling under Chinar and Garhi zone, construction of 16 Nos of speed breakers with more than 75 odd hurdles without proper rumble strips/flashing and visual signals at all points are serious hazards and cause of accidents and damage to  spines, vital organs and joint of the travellers particularly for first timers and regular passengers.
Attention of the Chairman National Highway Authorities and Civil Administration Udhampur is invited towards the subject which is of public concern and it is suggested that to check the over speeding vehicles two zones should be created ensuring strict enforcement of the instructions towards speed limits which should be placed alongwith caution signs on both the sides by the lawful authority and the odd bumpy breakers be converted into smooth breakers inconformity with specifications of National Highway Authority in the best interest of all users.
Ashok Kumar
Adarsh Colony
Near Eid Gah, Udhampur