Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Apr 7: Travel Agents Association of Kashmir (TAAK) today urged upon the administration to designate administrative quarantine centres for tourists testing positive for COVID-19 and also make the RT-PCR test mandatory for all the Tourists entering the valley.
President TAAK, Farooq Kuthoo said that tourists arriving with COVID-19 negative reports should be required to give their sample for RT-PCR testing on arrival at the airport.
“The present system of RAT at Srinagar airport allows the tourist to check-in at the hotels which put the ground handlers at huge risk,” he said.
He said that COVID-19 testing on arrival is worrying since they remain in direct contact with the positive cases during their stay in Kashmir.
They said that the RAT reports of travellers are delayed at the airport which increase the risk further.
“By the time, reports are dispatched; ground handlers have already come in contact with the visitors. We want negative RTPCR reports to be produced by every visitor on his or her arrival at the airport,” Kuthoo said.
He said the airport administration should not allow tourists to leave the premises till their reports are available. “This is the only way to prevent the spread of Covid-19,” he said.