Shiban Khaibri
One of the main ingredients of democracy is the freedom of speech. Let it be measured at that only for brevity but without labeling this writer any close in thought, let alone in endorsement of those, who rant day in day out, for that worn out, stereo type but readymade statement of “talks with Pakistan ” on what Kashmir has been reduced to by that country by using the tools of armed terrorism, hate mongering, religious fanaticism and other tricks . All know, not only in Pakistan who have been engaged in this shoddy game since the Kabayali invasion of Oct 1947 and very much vigorously for the last three decades but even by those who are actually at the steering wheel of the violence in Kashmir that even after worst of worst of what is all being orchestrated in Kashmir , nothing in the absolute sense was going to alter the political or geographical position of Kashmir or for that matter, in respect of any part of the country, not a particle or grain of it.
It may be recalled that India has all along been saying with cogent proof that 10 terrorists armed with automatic weapons of Lashkar-e-Toiba of Pakistan carried out the attacks on Mumbai in November 2008 which killed 166 innocent people, men women and children and virtually put to siege the city for three days . This brutal attack was coordinated by Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI and other terror agencies. Pakistan had been resorting to low tactical and deceitful maneuverings with intent to wash its hands off by adopting denial mode. However, in an interview to a noted news paper, the Dawn; deposed Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif recently admitted that Pakistani terrorists carried out the worst terror attack, known as 26/11 attack on Mumbai in the year 2008. He opined that such terror attacks could have been “prevented”. He expressed concern that Pakistan had been isolated in the international community and it should be peeped deep into as to why its narrative that it had been fighting terrorism had not been accepted by the world.
Nawaz Sharif further said that terrorist organizations were thriving in Pakistan and “non state actors” were responsible for the series of coordinated attacks in Mumbai on Nov26, 2008. “Why should we allow them to cross the border and kill people in Mumbai”, asked the former Pakistani Prime Minister. He questioned as to why Pakistan cannot complete the trial and “it is absolutely unacceptable”. It may be recalled that the sham trial in Pakistan has entered into its 10th year and not even one out of the seven accused have been punished for such a grave act against humanity. He further opened his heart at saying, “That is exactly what we are struggling for, President Putin has said it, President Xi has said it”. Corroborating and fully endorsing Indian view that there were more than one fountain head of government in Pakistan , Nawaz Sharif admitted that “You cannot run a country if you have two or three parallel governments , this has to stop , there can only be one government, the constitutional one.”
There can be no other solid admit-able, believable, reliable and acceptable proof of Pakistan’s active involvement in terror activities including the one under reference, in India. After all, the one who was three times Prime Minister of Pakistan speaks from his heart, conscience and propriety and must be believed both on the face of it as well by the substance of it wholesale and without any iota of doubt.
Earlier in late 2015, former army chief and President of Pakistan Parvez Musharraf admitted in a news interview that Pakistan supported and trained terror groups like the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) in 1990s to carry out terrorism in Kashmir and said Lashkar leaders like Hafiz Sayeed and Zakier Rehman Lakhvi enjoyed the status of heroes at that time. He admitted 11 to 12 other organizations, besides the LeT were formed , “we supported them and trained them as they were fighting in Kashmir at the cost of their lives”. He admitted that later on, religious militancy turned into terrorism only and now they are killing their own people “here” and “that” should be controlled and stopped. He clarified about the extended role of Pakistan in promoting and spreading terrorism by saying, ” We trained Taliban and sent them to fight against Russia , Taliban , Haqqani, Osama and Zawhari were our heroes.”
It may be recalled that some time back, Air Marshal Asghar Khan , the then Chief of Pakistan Air Force clearly gave “event wise” details about how Pakistan initiated , started, sustained and organized attacks on Kashmir in 1947 by a combination of tribals (Kabaylis) and 30% of regular army men in civilian dresses , thereafter the 1965 attack, 1972 attack with organized persecution of Bengalis and the 1999 Kargil war all done by Pakistan . He even referred to one of his meetings with Ayub Khan warning him about retaliations and “severe reactions” from India in respect of 1965 (mis) adventure.
Just with these three accounts, an attempt to call it “democracy dawning ” in Pakistan could be inferred in the manner as even after some time, in whatever condition of the “whistle blower Pakistani “, whether retired, deposed or exiled , daring truthful and unambiguous words were coming out from their echelons in respect of Pakistan’s role of active hostilities and evil designs against India right from its day of birth . With these revelations, those elements and self styled leaders in the country were getting exposed, unveiled and shamed who were, under a design, exonerating Pakistan for its active role and debased involvement in harming India.
The Congress leader who attributed the heart rending 26/11 attack to the handiwork of the RSS deserves not even a condemnation. Another Congress leader, now under temporary apparent suspension, beseeching this very Pakistan to oust Modi and “bring us back ” to normalize relations between the two countries thus insulting Indian constitution, democratic process and the Indian rule of Law. This very leader insulting Indians by saying that he gets more love in Pakistan than the sum total of hate from India. Less said about other similar minded Pakistan lover Congress leaders but a mention about the Senior “young” President of that Party is pertinent in the heat of the Party’s drubbings in Karnatka elections equating Pakistan with India in the proverbial fashion of “the secret look , the stolen gaze; finds its mark, and yet it strays” (Kahin pe nighahain – Kahin pe nishana ).
Another very vital point arises and which has many a time, been referred to in these columns, is regarding those political leaders and peaceniks who keep on pitching high for talks with Pakistan. They should explain what could have been the fate and post effect of such talks in the light of the ex Pakistani Prime Minister himself admitting that there were three governments simultaneously working in Pakistan instead of one constitutional Government. Talks with whom and with how many and about what, in the light of all these facts about Pakistan? What about those who call Kashmir violence as indigenous movement? How could otherwise talks be held by the victim country with the one attacking it, attempting to destabilize and harm it in pursuance of its articles of faith.
If Nawaz Sharif is pilloried for speaking the intrinsic truth and only facts and bare facts , demands having risen in Pakistan for trying him for “treason” , it is left to the discretion of the Indian government how to treat those political leaders who on the enemy’s soil and from home soil speak and plead for Pakistan interests.