The status report of Principal Chief Conservator Forests submitted to the High Court states that major cause of floods is deforestation and melting of glaciers. It is imperative that deforestation be stopped as also uncontrolled grazing at high altitudes is also discontinued so that flashfloods in forest areas are prevented. The petitioner counsel had submitted before the Division Bench that the disaster of 2014 floods was man-made as the water bodies throughout the State are dying because of negligence on part of the authorities. Taking serious note of the alarming situation in both regions of the State of dying water bodies, the court has issued some orders with the objective of instructing the Government to take protective and corrective steps so that water bodies are preserved. It is unfortunate that State authorities are not serious about the threat that dying rivers and water bodies pose to the ecology of the State. As such it has become imperative that forests, wetlands and national parks are demarcated so that there are protected against the onslaught of encroachers of land. The court has ordered that Principal Chief Conservator Forests will work as the nodal authority for demarcation of water bodies, wetland and parks and submit a report to the court at its next hearing.