Demanding compensation, kin of slain persons protest in GMC

Kin of slain persons staging a sit-in protest outside GMC Jammu. —Excelsior/Rakesh
Kin of slain persons staging a sit-in protest outside GMC Jammu. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 10: A massive protest was held today in and outside Government Medical College (GMC) Jammu by the kin of three persons who were murdered yesterday by a police official in Allora village of Phlain Mandal area of Jammu.
Hundreds of people including kin and neighbours of a couple, who and their married daughter were shot to death by a police official with his service weapon, today reached outside mortuary room of the Hospital while boarding on tractor-trolleys and staged a protest demonstration.
Raising slogans against the police administration for its failure to stop the gruesome incident, the protesting people demanded compensation for the little kids of the murdered woman and demanded stringent punishment for the accused police official. They also demanded handing over the bodies of the slain people without postmortem.
Later, the protestors also staged a sit-in protest in front of the entrance gate of GMC Jammu at Mahespura Chowk, alleging delay in postmortem of the deceased. The senior police officers were on the spot but all their efforts failed to pacify the protesting people.
Meanwhile, the postmortem of the deceased persons were conducted by a board of doctors and their bodies were handed over to their legal heirs for last rites, following which the protesting people dispersed.
Pertinent to mention here that a woman namely Seema Devi and her parents Ramesh Kumar and Raj Kumari were yesterday shot to death by a Selection Grade Constable of J&K Police Rajinder Kumar of Gajansoo village with his service weapon.