Declining Political Values!

Everybody wants that corruption, malpractices and inefficiency in the functionality of departments, organizations and institutions should be uprooted. In fact all organs of the State are sensitized to this need. The State has created structures and mechanisms to track down wrong doings in the administrative sphere. But notwithstanding many efforts, it is rather difficult to stamp out corruption from the polity perhaps owing to two reasons. One is that there is general decline in moral and ethical standards of society, and secondly there is either lack or inadequacy of accountability mechanism.  Resurrecting moral and ethical values is a task that has to come from the civil society itself and supported by the state. The real problem in our country in this regard is that our political leadership has failed us by disregarding moral authority as the guiding principle. Corrupt and tainted political leadership sends wrong signal to society at large. Their indefensible personal life has its impact directly or indirectly on the organs of society.