DAJ resents show cause notice issued to BMO

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 10: Doctors Association Jammu (DAJ) has expressed strong resentment over show cause notice issued by SDM Ramnagar to BMO Ramnagar, consequent upon the death of a COVID patient at home.
“Where as the whole medical fraternity is fighting tooth and nail in mitigation of the COVID pandemic, such a behavior and attitude of high headed officer is highly condemnable and calls for his explanation too,” the Association said in a handout issued today.
DAJ said death is inevitable and no doctor wishes his patient dies either at hospital or at home. “However, threatening the BMO of filing criminal charges against him by the SDM is the last thing the Association wishes at this crucial juncture,” the handout reads.
The Association requests Financial Commissioner Health & Medical Education Department Atal Dulloo and Divisional Commissioner Jammu Dr Raghav Langer to take strictest possible action against the SDM concerned to prevent demoralization of whole doctor community.
Pertinently, SDM Ramnagar Gopal Singh yesterday issued a show cause notice to BMO Ramnagar Dr Mehboob Iqbal Khan after a COVID patient died in home isolation on May 6, 2021.