Our freedom fighters and political leadership at the dawn of hard earned independence were of the cherished thoughts to liberate the new nation from the shackles of dowry, untouchability, economic inequities and large spread illiteracy. Inspite of many legislative measures, the ugly face of dowry now is much more threatening the family structure. Economic inequities have further deepened and the concentration of nation’s wealth in few hands has become a challenge to the society at large. The rampant commercialisation of education is further creating wide cleavages between the “HAVES and HAVES NOT “.The casteiest tendencies are on the rise even in the 21st century. These evils and inequities have heavily dented the democratic set up and the unscrupulous politicians have contributed to it largely because they have become slaves to nepotism and thus perverted the polity.These unscrupulous elements have entered into the politics with the might of muscle power and the money they got through the illegal sources. If the criminals are not barred now from contesting elections be it panchayats,municipalities,state assemblies or the parliamentary, the dream of “INDIA ” of our freedom fighters and founding fathers of independent nation shall be further shattered and political, social, educational and economic democracy would be a ferocious anarchy.
I hope at least the present dispensation at the centre shall enact necessary legislative measures to bar the criminals entering into the panchayats, municipalities, state legislatures and parliament for safe guarding the very democracy.
Yours etc….
Duni Singh Motten
Patta Bohri
Manorama Vihar