Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 2: The annual congregation of Chopra Biradari will be held on January 6 at Baby Caterers, 188 Rehari Colony, Jammu.
The function will start with Pooja and Hawan at 8:30 AM. It will be followed by address of Biradari president and honouring of members for their outstanding performances in various fields. In the end, Preeti Bhoj will be served to the devotees.
Khajuria Biradari is going to hold its annual congregation January 14, the day of Makar Sakaranti (Monday) at Dev Sathan Baba Ambo near Bagh-e-Bahu Jammu. This was decided in the meeting of Shri Baba Ambo Smarak committee which was held today at Dev Sathan Baba Ambo near Bagh-e-Bahu Jammu under the chairmanship of Ajit Khajuria, president of the Committee. He said that the function will start with Hawan at 8 AM and after Puran Ahoti, Preeti Bhoj will be organized.