NEW DELHI, Apr 11: Cinema.Bharat today said it has been awarded as the best .bharat website which contains details of the films, launched recently by Jagdish Purohit of India Press Portal Development. ”The site contains details of the films starting for Dadasaheb Phalke’s Raja Harishchandra, 1913 to Alam Ara, 1932 till the movies released by 1980,” the website said in a statement. This award was conferred on Jagdish Purohit, editor, India Press and Cinema.Bharat by Govind, CEO, National Internet Exchange of India and Samiran Gupta, head of India, ICANN, it said. This award was given at the event of World Domain Day 2015, hosted here yesterday. It contains the details of the films consisting of film cast and crew, songs and censor details, it said. (UNI)