CIC office in J&K

This refers to news item “Appoint PIO’s FAA’s : Govt to all Deptts (Daily Excelsior 10.01.2020 in which concerned authorities have been directed to appoint Public Information Officer’s and First Appellate Authority to all Govt Deptts. Till date even after the lapse of over two months the Government of J&K Union Territory has not started acting on various important provision of the Central Right to Information Act 2005 much to the disappointment and confusion of the RTI activists. That hundreds of appeals and complaints pending before State Information Commission have remained undisposed as this commission like several others commissions has been abolished under J&K Re-organisation Act 2019. When PIO and FAA failed to furnish the reply of RTI information seeker and in some cases they do not want to furnish the reply to cover their wrong work done.
It will be impossible for the ordinary citizen of J&K to approach Central Information Commission New Delhi and file 2nd appeal/complaints on line. It is duty of Govt to set up a bench of Central Information Commission in Union Territory Jammu and Kashmir that would hear complaints and appeals under Central RTI Act 2005. It is very difficult for people of far flung areas to visit New Delhi time and again for persuing their cases. This is highly impossible and the result will be decrease in seeking information under Central RTI Act 2005.
It is therefore appealed to the Jitendra Singh MOS, also Minister of DOPT to look into the matter and set up a branch of Central Information Commission New Delhi, in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. This will be a great service to people living in this part of the country.
Subash Chander Tidyal
Housing Colony
Janipur, Jammu