Checking food adulteration

The decision of the Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC) to use gadgets to check food adulteration is a laudable step. Food adulteration is assuming ugly proportions day by day and it is to a large extent responsible for increasing number of diseases among the people. Not only people lose health they also have to cough up a handsome amount on treating the diseases. Though Government agencies have been claiming that constant monitoring is maintained over unscrupulous people involved in this dirty business, much more needs to be done.
Now when SMC has equipped itself with latest gadgets, one expects that food adulteration will be contained to a large extent.
We expect that the Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) take similar steps to keep edible items free of adulteration. It is suggested that a periodic anti food adulteration is launched in the whole of Jammu province and allow people live a healthy life.
Yours etc….
Amit Kumar
Talab Tiloo