Charges framed against Manager

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 1: Special Judge Anticorruption (CBI cases), Vinod Chatterji Koul has framed corruption and other charges against Tilak Raj Dogra, the then Chief Manager, Bank of Baroda, Gandhi Nagar, Des Raj (Patwari), Jaswant Singh and Said Mohd for committing fraud with the bank.
According to the CBI case, Said Mohammed approached Bank of Baroda Gandhi Nagar for loan for setting up of a new bee keeping unit at Birpur sponsored by KVIC under REGP. He got prepared a forged project report from M/s Suresh Ajit and Associates, Gandhi Nagar to avail the loan.
The pre inspection report was prepared by Jaswant Singh, Credit Officer, Bank of Baroda, Gandhi Nagar in which he projected requirement of the borrower for term loan as Rs 21.37 lakh against the borrower requirement of Rs 20.12 lakh and working capital of Rs 3.50 lakh. It was falsely mentioned by him that the proposed loan was secured by mortgage of commercial land measuring 5 kanals worth Rs 46 lakh whereas the land was not commercial one and it was a running nallah.
He recommended sanction of term loan of Rs 21.37 lakh and cash credit limit of Rs 3.50 lakh to the borrower. After preparation of the pre-sanction inspection report, Jaswant Singh in connivance with T R Dogra, Branch Manager and H R Phonsa, Valuer, obtained a valuation report of the property mortgaged for exact valuation of Rs 46 lakh in order to favour the borrower in sanctioning of the loan. Finally, loan was sanctioned.
It was established during the course of investigation that there was a clear cut criminal conspiracy among Des Raj (Patwari), T R Dogra, Jaswant Singh, Said Mohd and V K Chopra, who cheated the Bank of Baroda to the tune of Rs 24.87 and in pursuance of conspiracy the concerned bank officials abused their official positions and wrongly inspected, appraised, sanctioned and disbursed a loan of Rs 24.87 lakh to Said Mohammed.
On conclusion of the investigation, CBI found commission of offences punishable under Section 120-B read with 420, 468,471 RPC and  5(2)  read with 5(1)(d) of J&K Prevention of Corruption Act 2006  established against the accused and presented the challan.