Centre rejects demand for AFSPA removal from J&K

NEW DELHI: Government today rejected a demand for removal of the controversial Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) from Jammu and Kashmir and said the State Governor could, however, limit the areas under the Act through a simple notification.

Home Minister Rajnath Singh, while replying to a discussion in Rajya Sabha on the working of the Home Ministry, said this was within the right of the State Governor.

“If the Governor wants, he can lessen the area under the Act through a simple notification,” he said while ruling out its withdrawal.

To a suggestion on solving the Kashmir problem, the Minister said the Government would take any step “within the ambit of humanity” (insaniyat kay dayre main).

However, it would not take help from any “agent” for resolving the problem but would take any step required in association with the State Government.  (AGENCIES)


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