Siddharth Dubey
World Red Cross Day 2016 would be celebrated all across the world by the National Societies affiliates to the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) on 8th of May, at Sunday.
World Red Cross Day celebrates the work of those who volunteer with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).
IFRC is the world’s largest humanitarian organisation, providing worldwide relief during times of disease, famine, disaster or war. Prior to this observance and following the end of the First World War, there had been an initiative known as the ‘Red Cross Truce’. Initially this was a three day truce in former Czechoslovakia which took place during Easter time. At that time, there was general consensus that people wanted peace following years of fighting.The Red Cross Truce led the way for a global peace initiative to be introduced. After the Second World War, and following approval by the Red Cross Executive Committee, the proposal for a worldwide peace day was accepted. World Red Cross Day is held on 8 May, the birthday of Jean Henri Dunant, founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Red Cross was introduced as a major contribution to the peace after the World War I by an international commission at 14th International Conference of the Red Cross. The principles of the Red Cross Truce was presented and approved on 15th International Conference at Tokyo in the year 1934 to get applicable all across the world in different regions. World Red Cross Day is celebrated by the people on international level to alleviate people’s suffering, enhancing their dignity, protecting their life from emergencies and lots of natural disasters including epidemic diseases, flood and earthquakes. It is celebrated by all the sections of the Red Cross organizations to help people by keeping in front it’s all fundamental principles which are humanity, independence, impartiality, neutrality, universality, voluntary and unity. International Committee of the Red Cross and its members (National Societies) organize lots of programmes and events in order to encourage volunteers as well as facilitate and promote their humanitarian activities. International Red Cross movement members assists the suffered people of any problems. People are motivated to protect their own lives and take care of the dignity of other victims. World Red Cross Day has become an important day in the history of world which is being celebrated annually to play big role in the life saving events as well as assisting the vulnerable social people all around the world. It is celebrated to commemorate the birthday of Henri Dunant who had founded the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in the year 1863 in the Geneva, Switzerland. It aimed to provide relief to the human beings in distress and desolation due to war, food shortage, epidemic diseases or natural calamities. Its celebration is highlighted through a special theme of the year to fulfill the aim of celebration as well as make people aware of its importance. It also aims to attract more private or governmental organizations to be active members and participate regionally to help needed people suffering from any kind of disaster. Around 240 million people all over the world have become benefited of the free assistance of Red Cross workers. National Societies acts as auxiliaries of the Red Cross in the humanitarian field and assists with the range of services such as natural disaster relief, medical services and other health and social programmes.
The day is celebrated to provide relief and peace to the injured people to prevent death rate due to the disasters of any kind. It helps in initiating active efforts all over the world to reduce casual death rate because of epidemic illnesses. It helps people living in the vulnerable areas to manage the public health emergencies. It empowers its members, civil societies and other involved local communities to provide immediate response to the health disasters in the vulnerable situations. It helps in reinstating the human dignity.
Geneva conventions help in monitoring the compliance of warring parties.It helps the wounded people on the battlefield by organizing the nursing care.It avails the treatment for prisoners of war and help in searching the missing persons during conflict. It avails protection and nursing care to the people in civil populations.