Carice Van Houten was unsure of doing ‘Game Of Thrones’

LOS ANGELES, Aug 1: Actress Carice Van Houten, who is best known for playing red priestess Melisandre on “Game Of Thrones”, revealed she was initially reluctant to accept the show.

The 40-year-old actress said the character that she played on the HBO series did not appeal her when she was first approached for it.

“It’s not very appealing to me, the whole magic thing,” Houten told Stella magazine.

However, Houten said after taking advice from her friend and talk show host Seth Meyers she felt a little confident about her part.

“He loves that kind of stuff and when I asked, ‘Do you think this is something for me?’ He said, ‘You’re crazy! That’s one of the greatest shows and you should totally do that’.” (PTI)