Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, May 1: Five day UGC sponsored Workshop on “Capacity Building of Women Managers in Higher Education”, organised by Women’s Study Centre and Department of Home Sciences, Kashmir University, commenced at Gandhi Bhawan Hall, Kashmir University.
The workshop was declared open by Prof Talat Ahmad, Vice chancellor of Kashmir University, who presided over the inaugural function.
In his address, Prof Ahmed said that despite best efforts, statistics reveal that gender bias still exists in our society which gets vividly manifested by the imbalanced ratio between men and women.
He called upon the need of having gender based studies and surveys in local, regional and national institutions.
In her keynote address, Prof Pam Rajput, member, Government of India, High Level Committee on the Status of Women and Executive Director, Women’s Resource and Advocacy Centre, acknowledged the role Kashmir University and the Government of J&K in being sensitive to women’s issues.
Prof Poonam Dhawan, an expert on women’s issues stressed upon the need for the creation of a more conducive ambience for women to help hone their skills and talents.
Prof Nilofer Khan, Coordinator of the programme and Director Women’s Studies Centre, said that the main objective of the workshop was to achieve the increase in the number of women in decision-making positions in higher education and develop a gender friendly environment.
“The workshop has participation of women from universities, colleges and other institutions holding higher and middle level positions to undergo the training extending to five days”, she informed.
At the end of the first day, Registrar Kashmir University Prof Syed Fayyaz presented vote of thanks.