CHANDIGARH: Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh said Saturday he did not trust Pakistan’s intent behind the opening of the Kartarpur corridor, saying their agenda was “nefarious and political” and aimed at “exploiting” the sentiments of the Sikhs.
“Pakistan is doing it with a different intent, which is not at all aimed at promoting peace,” Singh said at a press conference here to mark two years of his Government. “India’s agenda is religious, but theirs is totally disruptive.”
The Congress leader said the number of devotees proposed by Islamabad to be allowed to pass the corridor was not at all sufficient and he wanted at least 15,000 pilgrims to be permitted to visit the historic Gurdwara every day.
The Chief Minister reiterated his demand for an open visit at the Kartarpur Gurdwara, questioning the rationale behind having a corridor if the need for passport and visa was still there.
“Some identification was, of course, needed, but there was no need for passport etc,” he said, adding that such requirement would deprive poor people. (AGENCIES)