Without craving for and encouraging competitiveness and dynamics in the system governing business operations in the country , the existing climate cannot be improved and verily for that purpose, the Government has been taking various steps and favourable results too have been obtained. In this connection, as we already know that Department of Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) initiated the exercise of Business Reform Action Plan (BRAP) whereby ranking of all states and UTs on broad parameters of reforms undertaken by them is made. In this exercise, which can be seen in the perspective of consistency, newer and innovative steps or actions are being taken with a view to create a suitable environment for giving a fillip to the favourable business environment. The question, however, arises whether recommendations listed under the BRAP are being implemented scrupulously especially looking to the need of promoting large scale investments in business sector in Jammu and Kashmir. Unless conditions for the overall climate for Ease of Doing Business are created through the effective implementation process, much could not be expected as is what the inputs just.
Looking to such a scenario, the Government has rightly instructed the Heads of the Government departments for ensuring compliance of and put in place proper implementation of fresh instructions and guidelines issued by the Department of Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade. There are instructions conveyed to the departments that various draft business regulations of a particular department, agency, organisation etc in respect of the UT have got to be put on public domain online for at least 30 days but prior to enactment for getting the requisite feedback or comments from the public. That obviously is for reasons of general awareness and possibilities of bringing in any changes but only if that helped in more flexibility in creating a better business climate. User feedback is pertinent in capturing business perspectives in a credible manner which needs to be duly published online with all relevant information as to how the feedback was responded to and made helpful in shaping final regulation. Since an element of elasticity is to rule in the process, any change or alteration in the regulation consequent upon the disposal of the feedback to be updated in “Information Wizard” section within a period of 30 days denotes how transparency and business friendliness are given due importance. It also infers that scope for grievances and queries equally to be addressed is amply provided for on Single Window System to result in monitoring process and fuller transparency.
It may be realised that unless grievances and inquisitive queries received are properly resolved and within a fixed timeframe and by a designated Nodal Officer, requisite encouraging results cannot be expected. Of course, where issues are regarding a policy matter, it may take a week more for addressing the same hence a proposed time limit within 15 days of disposal. It may be underlined that business licensing is one of the top requirements of the prospective investors and entrepreneurs, the procedure for which should be such that facilities are provided in obtaining the same without any hassles and therefore, there should be no need to visit offices and departments concerned in this regard and it is now rightly decided that such licences and sanction letters were issued through online mode only. Similarly, inspections must be carried out on the basis of the set guidelines only and the same made known on the concerned portals of the departments concerned and in this connection, within two days period, is quite genuine.
Likewise, issues of providing incentives etc in respect of various schemes and policies too are proposed to be online mode which means no applications etc to be entertained offline nor processed in that manner. That was not only again going to lend more credence to transparency but saving time and cutting on delays besides making it sure that the applicants did not visit offices etc. What in short is required is, to reap such benefits from the BRAP as reducing transaction costs and enhancing speed and transparency in all the administrative processes if ease of doing business and bringing in a sea change in the business climate to change the face of business scenario in Jammu and Kashmir, is aimed at.