v Total expenditure ` 43543 crore.
v Capital Expenditure ` 10595 crore.
v Total receipts ` 43543 crore.
v Revenue Receipts ` 39221 crore.
v Capital Receipts ` 4322 crore.
v Own Tax Revenue estimated at ` 7496 crore.
v Share of Central Taxes up at ` 5191 crore as against ` 4514 crore in Revised Estimates 2013-14.
v Central Non Plan Grant down to ` 2096 crore as against ` 2881 crore in 2013-14.
v Revenue Expenditure (RE) including Security Related Expenditure (SRE) to touch ` 32948 crore.
v Capital Expenditure accounts for ` 10595 crore.
v Non Plan Revenue Expenditure (NPRE) consumes ` 29553 crore, of which ` 3470 crore spent on interest payment.
v The Non-Plan Salaries and Pensions at ` 18445 crore constitute 62.4% of total non plan revenue expenditure.
v Non Plan Capital Expenditure (NPCE) of the order of ` 2090 crore, of which ` 1297 crore for loan repayment.
v Annual Plan size : ` 11300 crore.
v PMRP at ` 600 crore.
v Plan Revenue Expenditure (PRE) estimates at ` 3395 crore. Plan Capital Expenditure (PCE) including PMRP : ` 8505 crore.
v ` 273 crore to be devolved to PRIs under 13th Finance Commission grants.
v Earmarked provision of ` 700 crore for DA to employees and pensioners.
v ` 100 crore provision in 2014-15 for 10% Employer’s share under New Pension Scheme introduced from January, 2010.
v A provision of ` 20 crore for meeting cost of VRS/GHS in PSUs under Non-Plan.
v Starting with fiscal 2007-08, amount of ` 4 crore is being provided every year for settling outstanding of JAKFED towards JCCB crystallized at ` 80 crore, ` 4.00 crore provisioned for 2014-15 as well.
v ` 47.50 crore for clearing statutory liabilities of corporations during next year.
v Grant-in-aid (financial devolution) in respect of Local Bodies estimated to go up from ` 306 crore to ` 383 crore .
v ` 2.8 crore provisioned for Super Specialty Hospital Jammu for current year and ` 5.8 crore for next year.
v Plan provision of ` 321.40 crore proposed for Agriculture & Allied Departments including Animal & Sheep Husbandry, Floriculture and Cooperative.
v Plan provision of ` 179.74 crore for Irrigation, Flood Control & PHE Sector.
v Plan provision of ` 106.20 crore for Tourism Sector.
v Plan provision of ` 179.82 crore proposed for industries sector including Labour & Employment.
v Education and Health Sectors to receive allocations of ` 734.66 crore and ` 310.45 crore respectively under Plan.
v Proposed allocation of ` 332.34 crore for Social Welfare Sector under Plan.
v Proposed Plan Allocation for Power Sector ` 396.21 crore.
v PWD (R&B) Sector proposed to receive ` 525.28 crore under Plan.
v Housing & Urban Development Sector proposed to receive ` 423.62 crore under Plan.
v Provision of ` 484.42 crore for SSA & ` 135.30 crore for RMSA.
v Plan provision of ` 50.00 crore for Jammu, ` 25.00 crore for Leh and ` 25.00 crore for Kargil regions.
v ` 2053.51 crore allocation for District Plans.
v Provision of ` 10.00 crore for critical needs of bad pockets.
v Provision of ` 148.00 crore for Border Area Development Programme.
v Provision of ` 46.00 crore for Honorarium to Sarpanchs & Panchs.
v VSA to 50647 youth (` 22.39 crore disbursed).
v Allocation of ` 120.00 crore proposed for meeting requirements of Seed Capital Fund, Youth Start-up Loan Scheme, Women Entrepreneurs and VSA.
v Insurance Scheme for Sarpanchs/Panchs in place at premium of ` 63.44 lakh.
v Annual Plan for 2014-15 will subsume Centrally Sponsored Schemes (rationalised to 66 schemes)
v ` 20 crore provision for creation of additional 1000 Anganwadi Centers in a phased manner.
v ` 25 crore for regularisation of Rehbar-e-Zirat.
v Provision of ` 3 crore for marriage of orphan girls belonging to a BPL family.
v PSE loans and interest accrued thereon so far (more than ` 2000 crore) to be converted into grant in aid/written off.
v Plan loans to be converted into Equity on case to case basis.
v Beti Anmol benefit to be increased from ` 5000 to ` 10000 and its coverage extended to all Blocks.
v Tourism incentive package expiring on December 31, 2014 to be extended up to March, 2015.
v Increasing the Stamp Duty exemption on KCC loans from ` 1.50 lakh to ` 3 lakh, also on Artiisan Credit Cards.
v VAT remission for industry to continue for another year.
v Cashless system of VAT remission on purchases of raw material made from SICOP adopted from the next year.
v Hotel Tariff Tax exemption to continue up to March, 2015.
v VAT exemption on atta, maida, besan etc to continue upto March, 2015.
v Toll and VAT exemption on hand pump.
v VAT exemption on ‘bee wax’
v VAT exemption on ‘oil cake’
v VAT exemption on bone meal.
v Toll exemption on ‘tootee basmati export’
v Toll exemption on import of husks of pulses and bran.
v Toll exemption on weight containers.
v VAT on shawls reduced to 5%.
v Audit limit of turn over for filing of VAT Returns from ` 60 lakh to ` 100 lakh.
v Threshold of ` 7.5 lakh increased to ` 10 lakh.
v TOT limit increased to ` 25 lakh.
v ` 2 crore for pilot initiative for micro irrigation.
v War Veterans to get ` 3000 per month instead of 1500 per month; ` 2.30 crore in Budget.
v ` 1.40 crore for HIV/AIDS cases.
v ` 2 crore for the Cancer Treatment and Management Fund.