BSP members force RS adjournment twice over Vemula suicide

NEW DELHI: BSP members today forced two adjournments of the Rajya Sabha till noon, creating an uproar over the suicide of Dalit student, Rohith Vemula, and demanding resignation of Union Ministers alleging they were linked with the incident.
Even though a discussion on the issue was listed for today, Mayawati (BSP) wanted a response from the government to her demand for resignation of the union ministers allegedly linked to the suicide, sacking of the Vice Chancellor of University of Hyderabad and inclusion of a Dalit member in the judicial committee probing the suicide.
The government said it was ready for an immediate discussion followed by a reply by the concerned minister.
But the BSP members were not satisfied and shouted slogans after trooping into the Well, forcing Deputy Chairman P J Kurien to first adjourn the House for 10 minutes and then till noon.
Raising the issue, Mayawati (BSP) said the suicide by the Vemula, a Dalit student of the Hyderabad University, was a matter of grave concern.
“Since the time BJP came to power at the Centre, nefarious means are being used to impose RSS ideology,” she said adding that prestigious institutions like Hyderabad University, Aligarh Muslim University, Jamia Milia and Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) are interfered with.
Suicide by Rohith is not the first and many Dalit students have committed suicide in past including when Congress-led UPA was in power at the Centre, she claimed.
She said the Dalit students had formed a Babasaheb Ambedkar Students Union after their exploitation was not addressed by the unions affiliated to the BJP and Congress.
This was not liked by RSS and the exploitation continued, driving Rohith to commit suicide, she alleged.
Without taking names, she demanded that two Union ministers linked with interfering with the affairs of the Hyderabad University should resign and the VC of the University be sacked. She also demanded the inclusion of a Dalit member in the judicial committee probing into the issue.
She insisted that the government must respond to her demands before the discussion listed is taken up.
With government insisting that a response will be given after the discussion, BSP members trooped into the Well of the House shouting anti-government, anti-RSS slogans.
“Dalit virodhi yeh sarkar nahi chalegi, nahi chalegi (anti-Dalit government will not be tolerated)”, “BJP-RSS murdabad, murdabad (down with BJP-RSS)”, they shouted. (AGENCIES)