Priyanka Chopra has released a new song “Young and Free” in collaboration with Australian DJ Will Sparks and the actor-singer said the lyrics of the track were inspired by the “need of freedom”.
The 35-year-old diva, who released her first single “In My City” in 2012, said she loved the spontaneity with which the song was created and also thanked Will, reported Billboard.
“I wrote this song at a very precarious time in my life. These lyrics were born from a need for freedom, whatever that freedom may mean to each one of us. Being young and free is a state of mind that we all need to find in this crazy world to survive.
“What I love most about this track is the spontaneity from which it was born. While I was writing, Will was mixing the track into a roar of emotions and rebelliousness. It all came together in a true creative way. Will has taken the lyrics and given them life. This song reminded me of how much I love making music,” Priyanka said in a statement. (PTI)