Booked by Delhi Police, dubious Khadi Board employee now absconding

NEW DELHI, July 12: Naresh Kadyan, the disgruntled former Haryana Khadi Board employee booked for filing a false complaint against Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), is absconding, said a report by the Delhi Police.
The police in its probe found that Kadyan, with a “mala fide” intention to defame KVIC, accused the Gandhian institution of dealing with prohibited items – ivory and whale bone.
The investigators, who have filed its probe report before a court here to carry forward further investigation, now reported that Kadyan has fled his Delhi residence and that his mobile phone was not reachable.
The report said the Delhi police officer investigating the matter had gone to his residence in the national capital to serve him a notice to join the investigation on the complaint filed by KVIC but “the residence of Naresh Kadyan was found locked.”
“His neighbours informed that Kadyan is currently out of Delhi. However, on further enquiry, two security guards of the society informed the police that Palwal Police, Haryana, also had come looking for Kadyan a few days ago and probably, Kadyan has fled his house,” the report said, adding, “his mobile phone could not be reached despite several attempts”.
Earlier, the Delhi Police had issued a notice to Kadyan asking him to join investigation in the complaint filed by KVIC which has accused him of concealing facts and filing a false complaint against it.
Issuing notice to Kadyan, the Delhi Police also asked him to appear before it on July 2 at 10 am with the original documents pertaining to various organisations formed by him where he had fraudulently used the word “National” with the name of his organisation and designated himself as Chief National Commissioner.
Kadyan, masquerading as an RTI activist and a social worker to file frivolous complaints and harassing government officials, has been booked by Delhi Police under section 182 of IPC for giving false information in a criminal complaint lodged by him at IP Estate police station in Delhi.
However, the probe report filed before Metropolitan Magistrate said the charges levelled against KVIC were ‘baseless’ and ‘malafide’ and Kadyan had filed the case with the intention to malign the image and reputation of KVIC.
“Since by filing a false complaint with mala fide intention and deliberately concealing the vital information in the complaint, the complainant has misled the police and is misusing the process of law to defame a reputed government organization, appropriate process may be initiated against him,” police told the court. (PTI)