Bombay Sappers return to R-Day parade after 20 years with a woman leading them

Bombay Sappers return to R-Day parade after 20 years with a woman leading them

NEW DELHI, Jan 20 : A 149-member strong contingent of the Bombay Sappers will participate in the Republic Day Parade this year, returning to the Kartavya Path

After two decades with a woman leading the all-men team on their march on January 26.

Ruchi Yadav, who is the leader of the contingent as a commander, said last time they participated was in 2004 “and we are back after 20 years”.

“It is a matter of great pride for me that I have the opportunity to lead my all-men team. I am the only female member of the contingent and this is also for the first time in the history of Bombay Sappers that a woman is leading their team in the Republic Day Parade,” she told PTI.

Yadav said they are miners whose job is to lay mines for the enemy and remove them when required to ensure a safe passage for own soldiers.

“It is a golden opportunity for us to showcase our talent and prove our mettle here. I am leading a team of two commissioned officers and 146 members from different ranks,” Yadav, whose native place is Bhopal but who is currently posted in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, said.

Yadav said that the team practised for six months at their respective centres before coming to Delhi in early December to ace the march.

“When the entire nation is giving so much importance to women empowerment, I believe that the opportunity that I have got will inspire and motivate many other women in the country,” Yadav said. (PTI)