Excelsior Correspondent
SAMBA, June 22: Industrial employees and workers of district Samba, affiliated with Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS), held massive demonstration outside the ESI Hospital in protest against alleged mismanagement and mal-functioning in the Hospital.
The BMS leaders alleged that patients are not properly diagnosed and medicines are prescribed without thoroughly checking the patients. Somuchso even patients are not told how to take medicine as also other preventive measures to be taken by them.
Demanding that trained para-medical staff should be posted in the ESI Hospital, which is, otherwise called as ‘Model Hospital’, the BMS leaders alleged that staff posted in the Hospital cannot even give injections properly, while attitude of doctors towards the patients is also not very cordial.
State general secretary of BMS Harbans Choudhary has demanded from the Hospital administration that patients visiting the ESI Hospital should be treated properly and not compelled to pay repeated visits for even minor jobs. He warned that BMS workers may intensify agitation in case needful was not done at an earliest.
Others who addressed the demonstrators included Shamsher Chand, Nanak Chand, Surjeet Kumar and Ashok Choudhary.