Recurring complaints are coming in day after day that there is large scale corruption, embezzlement and misappropriation in the Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution (CAPD) department. Corruption has crept into its various branches. This issue has been highlighted by the media including our paper. Yet, drastic steps that are required to set the wrong right in this department are not taken by any responsible authority. Is it that corruption is galore at the CAPD to the extent that even seniors in the department are unwilling to work in the interests of the general public? One of the regular practices of corruption in the department is pilferage of food grains and stock piling these for black marketing. This is precisely the story of a recently detected case of black marketing of Government rations. A storekeeper of Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution (CAPD) Department has been arrested for black-marketing Government ration, which was meant for public distribution. Reports are that Gandoh police station conducted raid in shops at Bhatyas and seized over 500 quintals of Government ration, which was meant for public distribution under National Food Security Act (NFSA). Of course, this is a stray case that has been detected and the police have come into action. How many such cases of black marketing take place day in and day out is beyond anybody’s guess. It is after a long silence by the CAPD that a case of black-marketing Government ration has been registered and police are conducting inquiry. We wish that the CAPD becomes pro-active against allegedly corrupt functionaries and brings them to book. This is the right way of how the CAPD can regain its lost credibility.