BJP remembers martyrs of Praja Parishad movement

BJP leaders during a Shaheedi Diwas function at Hiranagar on Monday. —Excelsior/Madan
BJP leaders during a Shaheedi Diwas function at Hiranagar on Monday. —Excelsior/Madan

Excelsior Correspondent
HIRANAGAR, Jan 11: Former Deputy Chief Minister and senior BJP leader Dr Nirmal Singh today declared that the Delhi Amritsar, Katra Expressway Corridor will be extended to Kashmir Valley also as Union Minister of Surface Transport Nitin Gadkari has in principle given his nod to the same.
Addressing a Shaheedi Divas function here, today to remember the martyrs of 1953 Praja Parishad Movement, Bikham Singh and Bihari Lal, he said that the issue was taken up with Mr Gadkari at Srinagar yesterday by him and other senior BJP leaders and he in principle has agreed to extend the corridor to Kashmir Valley also to reduce the distance from Srinagar to New Delhi and make travel more comfortable.
Dr Singh said that the Express way corridor is in tendering process and after its completion the State will be benefited a lot.
Mr Singh, who among other BJP leaders including Party State president Sat Sharma, senior leader and MP (LS) Jugal Kishore Sharma, MP (RS), Shamsher Singh Manhas, former president and MLC Ashok Khajuria,  BJP organization general secretary Ashok Kaul and former Minister, Chander Parkash Ganga  paid rich tributes to the martyrs of 1953 Praja Parishad movement said it was for the first time in last 67 years in 2014 that BJP under the leadership of Naredra Modi got absolute majority in Lok Sabha elections and formed the Government at Centre on its own.
The Prime Minister took various steps for the development of the country and also paid special attention towards J&K for its overall development. The release of Rs 80,000 crore package for infrastructure building etc is a beginning in this regard, he added.
The BJP leader said it is the charisma of Mr Modi that Pakistan is under pressure at present and the neighbouring country is forced to act against the Hafiz Sayeed the mastermind of cross border terrorism. United States have also exerted pressure on Pakistan to act against the master mind of terrorism and smash the terror module in that country.
Taking NC and Congress to task for criticizing the Prime Minister for visiting Pakistan, he said “this way India has shown entire world that we want peace and settle all issues through dialogue’’. He, while highlighting the 10 month long PDP-BJP coalition Government’s achievements said the people had gained confidence in it. He said while all efforts were made that Jammu should not feel discriminated as has been a past practice and it was given its due share in all spheres of development, efforts were also made to restore the confidence of people of Valley and give equal treatment to Ladakh region as well.
He said setting up of AIIMS, IIT, IIMS as well as many other projects was the major achievement of the coalition as well as Union Government and “we had planned to get the foundation stone of IIT laid by the Prime Minister but due to the sudden demise of Mufti Mohammad Sayeed it could not be possible’’
He said first installment of Rs 1194 crore flood relief package for the State was released by Centre on January 5. He said it was only BJP Government which earlier and this time released package for PoK refugees. While earlier Rs 75 crore package was given by Vajpayee Government this time Rs 2000 crore package has been sanctioned by Modi Government, he added.
He said Prime Minister has made it clear to provide more funds once State gives the utilization certificate.
On the occasion Dr Singh honoured Karan Singh grand son of martyr Bikham Singh and relative of Bihari Lal another martyr of the area.
Paying tributes to martyrs BJP president Sat Sharma said 17 people laid down their lives in 1953 movement and “we are continuing our fight in one way or the other to keep their ideology intact’’. He announced construction of memorials in honour of these martyrs at Jourian, Sunderbani, Ramban and Hiranagar.
He said after the coalition Government was installed in the State the discrimination with Jammu ended and it got its due share. The Centre also fully backed the State and Rs 9000 crore were given for Zojila Tunnel to link Lakdah with rest of the country for whole of the year.
MP Jugal Kishore Sharma highlighted various schemes of Central Government for the people including Jan Dhan Yojna, Atal Pension Yojna etc. He said hike in wages of VDCs, Jammu migrants relief and release of Rs 2000 crore package for PoK refugees are some of the achievements of the Modi Government. He warned those who are misleading refugees on package.
Shamsher Singh Manhas MP (RS) said Modi Government took various steps in boosting economy of the country. He said Congress was misleading the people as it could not digest such a speedy progress as it never took the national interests so seriously as present Government led by Narendra Modi did.
Former State president and MLC Ashok Khajuria said that BJP can’t forget the principles for which these martyrs laid down their lives and it will continue the struggle for the principles dare to the Party.
MLAs Kuldeep Kumar, RS Pathania and Dr Manyal, Daljit Singh Chib vice chairman Kissan Board, Mamta Singh secretary BJP, senior leader Th. Ranjit Singh, Ex MLA Durga Dass, Ch Chaggar Singh, Vijay Sharma advocate, district president,  Daljeet Singh and Mandal president Mohan Lal were among others present on the occasion.