BJP-PDP alliance threat to integrity of nation: Harsh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 20: Dubbing BJP-PDP alliance in the State as a bondage of compulsion of two partners, senior NPP leader and former minister  Harsh Dev Singh  today said that its continuance further posed the most serious threat to the unity, integrity and sovereignty of the nation.
Addressing party function here today Singh said  that opportunist alliance of diametrically opposed parties had pushed the State into a vortex of violence with all round chaos, death and destruction as never noticed before.  Apart from ideological incompatibility, the BJP-PDP bond was mutually mistrustful, bilaterally selfish and reciprocally insincere, Harsh Dev said.
He further said that the so called “coalition dharma” was torn to tatters when one of the supporting MLAs was tipped by a coalition partner to cross floor in MLCs elections thereby cheating its own ally to reverse the election results. How could the coalition partners be honest to the people when they were not honest to themselves, questioned Harsh Dev.
Attributing the present unrest in the State to the unprincipled alliance, Singh said that the convergence of North Pole and South Pole had spelt doom, death and destruction for the State. He said that as the people of the two regions boiled with rage, the BJP and PDP brokered the most sinister deal to share the crumbs of power thus defying the mandate of their respective electorates.  While the BJP vowed during elections to demolish the father-daughter (Baap-Beti) party dubbing it as anti-national, the PDP had pledged to erase the BJP from State by describing it fascist, intolerant and bigoted party. He said that the two vowed opponents joining hands after elections merely to enjoy the fruits of power did not auger well for the people of the two regions of the State leading to massive unrest and public disorder. He said that the lowest ever polling recorded in last week’s elections revealed the lack of public confidence in the incumbent Govt which he added had lost the moral authority to continue in office.
Expressing grave concern over the large scale demoralization caused amongst the security forces in Kashmir by the Separatist agenda being pursued by ruling coalition, Singh sought the dismissal of the BJP-PDP Govt describing the unprincipled and opportunist alliance as a threat to the unity and integrity of State.