All nine BJP MLAs in the Assembly including Legislature Party leader Ashok Khajuria and state president Jugal Kishore maintained a mysterious silence in the House when BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi came under sharp attack from Chief Minister Omar Abdullah during his reply on Motion of Thanks to Governor’s Address.
The BJP MLAs including Mr Khajuria, who was wearing ‘Kesaria Pagri’, made no attempt to counter the charges against Mr Modi or even express a little bit of protest.
It was Prof Chaman Lal Gupta, who has not been taken back into the BJP, who tried to speak something when Omar mentioned his name as his colleague in Atal Bihari Vajpayee regime.
While Omar, without naming Modi, was taking the BJP Prime Ministerial candidate to task on Article 370 and state subject laws, the BJP MLAs remained mute and didn’t utter a single word.